First On-Stage Rehearsals at The Aldridge theatre – Frensham Heights – this weekend!
Farnham Dance Rehearsals at:
The Aldridge Theatre Frensham Heights GU10 4EA
Saturday/Sunday June 15th & 16th
All children remain the responsibility of their parents/guardians throughout these rehearsals. Please arrange to arrive in good time so each rehearsal can start promptly
Parents and children enter through the Theatre Foyer and sit quietly in the auditorium until called up on stage. Dress is normal dance-class wear. There will be no costumes at these rehearsals.
Please note: where the same dance is being performed by other classes too, your child is required for their allocated rehearsal slot ONLY unless they are dancing in more than one show as discussed individually.
NB: there are NO classes at Wrecclesham Community Centre on Saturday June 15th – look at the the schedule above for your group’s slot instead